reserve price

What happens if a property doesn’t meet its reserve price?

What happens if a property doesn’t meet its reserve price?

Understanding the Reserve Price in Property Auctions When participating in a property auction, one of the key terms you’ll encounter is the “reserve price.” This is a confidential minimum price set by the seller, below which the property will not be sold. It acts as a safety net, ensuring that the property does not sell for less than the seller is willing to accept. What is a Reserve Price? The...

Can You Set Your Own Selling Price at Auction?

Can You Set Your Own Selling Price at Auction?

Can You Set Your Own Selling Price at Auction? When it comes to selling property, auctions are a unique and dynamic way to achieve a sale. But one question that often arises is: Can you set the price you’re willing to sell at? The answer is yes, through something known as the reserve price. What is a Reserve Price? The reserve price is the minimum price you, as the seller, are willing to...

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